I've spent the last few days working on a project which moved directly from the back of my head to the front burner upon the realization that I had 'misrescheduled' a crit. The genesis for this project came from a dark, lonely night in the studio when I was feeling a bit stagnant. It had always bothered me that the previous occupant(s) of my studio neglected to give the work bench proper respect and managed to wantonly drill into it over and over. As if a work bench is expendable scrap wood. I took it upon myself to heal the bench, restore some of its dignity, by filling those wounds with stainless steel set screws. Recently I have been feeling like a fair amount of my time at Cranbrook has been spent fixing other people's fuck ups. This project is partly a commentary on that feeling of resentment, partly a good old fashioned charrette, partly an opportunity to explore the life objects live in their photos, and partly another opportunity to explore my interest in joints.